Mindfulness Journal - April 5, 2021 - Day 7 of 365 Today’s meditation was an exercise focusing on my mood or the emotional quality of my mind. The truth is that often we are not aware of how we feel because we are so busy doing things or thinking about various things. We miss identifying the very emotions we are feeling because of the busyness of our minds.

I think I often intentionally miss the emotions I am feeling intentionally. If I don’t acknowledge that I’m angry, I don’t have to deal with the anger. During this short meditation, I realized that I am mad a lot of the time, and I rarely deal with that anger. Anger comes at me in waves, and I usually try to ignore it or push it aside or carry on as best I can - but I never deal with it. I’m not sure how to “fix” this problem or if I can, but I hope that identifying it will help me better deal with it more readily.