Mindfulness Journal - April 3, 2021 - Day 5 of 365 I am halfway through the ten for ten beginner program, and I am enjoying the process. I find the increased guidance in the daily meditations helpful, and the tips included are beneficial to keep me on track. I’m looking forward to moving on and continuing the journey. Once again today, I completed my session first thing in the morning in a quiet house. A peaceful and calm place is the only way it works for me. I find myself to be too distracted and unable to focus otherwise.
Additional note: I’ve been using some Headspace sleep meditations to fall asleep while working overnight at the fire station. After a call, I sometimes find it challenging to fall back to sleep. These meditations, particularly the “switching off” meditation, work very well for me, and I find I fall asleep very quickly (less than 5 minutes) when using them. Good find! I wake much more rested ad feeling much better.