Mindfulness Journal - March 31, 2021 - Day 2 of 365 Today I had an interesting experience during my meditation. Several years ago, I was going through a difficult personal time, and I was using Headspace, particularly the beginner sessions, to find some peace. Those were the same beginner sessions I am going through now.

This morning during my meditation, I experienced a flashback of the anxiety and pain I felt all those years ago. I could actually recall the room where I was and the details of what was going on. I’m sure the process just dug up some crap in the back of my mind and brought it forward. The difference now versus several years ago is that I recognized it for what it was and moved on. I didn’t get caught up in the thoughts. I merely saw the cloud, let it move past, and found the sunny sky beyond. Today’s session proved to be very calming and peaceful.