Gratitude Journal

    Gratitude Journal - April 19, 2021 Today, I am grateful for fully stocked grocery stores. Being able to drive to the grocery store, pick up pretty much any food item or ingredients you need is a gift. For grocery stores, I am thankful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 18, 2021 Today, I am grateful for honesty. There is nothing more hurtful in life than dishonesty and deceit. Further, there is no reason for it other than selfishness, fear, and lack of integrity. Just be honest. Tell the truth, especially to those for whom you are supposed to care. For honesty, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 17, 2021 Today, I am grateful for popcorn. Popcorn is an awesome snack and I enjoy it. For popcorn, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 16, 2021 Today, I am grateful for getting up early and accomplishing a couple of my most important tasks. The quiet of the morning helps me achieve the things I need to without interruption. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - Apirl 15, 2021 Today, I am grateful for all the wonderful places I have visited in my life. While I am not a world traveler by any means, I have had opportunities to see much of the United States. Some of what I saw was from a bus window traveling during high school, other times I was traveling for work or a family vacation. Every corner of this country is unique, interesting, and beautiful. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 14, 2021 Today, I am grateful for crisp, clean, and fresh-smelling bedding. There is nothing better than crawling into a nice bed with clean sheets, especially when you are tired. I am looking forward to heading to bed soon. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 13, 2021 Today, I am grateful for Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson was a high school teacher who made me understand that I could do more and be more than I thought I could. He believed in me, and because of that, I tried harder and pushed myself. He wasn’t always nice, and there were times I thought he was mean, but today I realize he just cared. Not many people like that find their way into your life, and I am thankful that he was my teacher. Mr. Johnson died many years ago, but I have never forgotten him. For Mr. Johnson (and all the other teachers like him), I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 12, 2021 Today, I am grateful for people who genuinely care about the environment and are working to find ways to take better care of our planet. I firmly believe that those fighting for our planet’s health are doing so from a genuinely good place. They are looking to make the world better for all of us. Regardless of if I always agree with the message or tactics, I choose to believe that their motivation is positive. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 11, 2021 Today, I am grateful for people who have different opinions than I do. It is only through listening and being open to others who may not share your thoughts that learning can happen. Listening and understanding do not mean I have to agree with everything I hear. The process of listening and being open to other thoughts is the key to both acceptance and accepting others. We don’t all have to agree, but we should listen and understand various perspectives. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - APril 10, 2021 Today, I am grateful that every once in a while, someone enjoys my writing. I like to write and really don’t do any of my journaling for anyone but myself, but I feel a certain sense of pride when someone else finds what I write worth reading. It makes the process just a little bit better. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 9, 2021 Today, I am grateful for the talented doctor and staff that took care of my back procedure today. I am hopeful that this will reduce my lower back pain. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 8, 2021 Today, I am grateful for the American Red Cross and blood donation. Many years ago I needed blood and it was there to help save my life. So today, and each opportunity I have, I give blood. I am forever grateful for the service that American Red Cross provides. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 7, 2021 Today, I am grateful for televised professional baseball. While many of us cannot get out to the ballpark to watch a game in person, being able to watch an afternoon game on TV brings back a certain sense of normalcy. We all need a little normalcy. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 6, 2021 Today, I am grateful for the feeling of disappointment. Being disappointed in an outcome helps me recognize that I need to continue to work hard for the things I want in life. If I am focused and driven in the things I do, I will be more successful and suffer disappointment less frequently. The activation and drive that disappointment brings help carry me forward to my next achievement. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 5, 2021 Today, I am grateful for my professional accomplishments. I’ve been fortunate to build a solid career with a company of which I am very proud. I have accomplished much, and I still have a lot more ahead of me with any luck. Many of my peers have spent their careers moving from employer to employer, trying to gain a step up. Meanwhile, I have forged a rewarding career with a solid company for almost 20 years. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 4, 2021 Today, I am grateful that God sent his son Jesus to die for all our sins on the cross. This sacrifice give all who believe in him eternal life. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 3, 2021 Today, I am grateful for the quiet of the early morning. In my house, I am typically up before everyone else and, because of this, the house is peaceful and quiet. I use this time to read the Bible, meditate, exercise, and sometimes think. The morning is my time. For this, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 2, 2021 Today, I am grateful for friends. Good friends make the bad times tolerable and the good times better. They are there when you need them and understand when you need time alone. For friends, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - April 1, 2021 Today, I am grateful for common sense. In today’s society, we lack common sense and fail to think about things calmly and rationally. We respond with fear or emotion rather than logic and common sense. For those that can employ common sense successfully, I am grateful.

    Gratitude Journal - March 31, 2021 Today, I am grateful for clear and concise speaking and writing. There is a time when being verbose and detailed is appropriate. There is also a time when you need to make your point quickly. I appreciate people who can drive home a point without droning on for excessive periods. We are all busy. Get to the end. For brevity, I am thankful.

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